물리 e-journal

물리 전자저널 D-H

SNU_phya 2014. 2. 18. 17:25

물리 전자저널 D-H

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외부에서 이용시 중앙도서관 로그인 후 e-Resource 학외접속 후 이용바랍니다.






 Digest Journal of Nanomaterials & Biostructures

 National Institute R & D

 of Materials Physics

 1842-3582  2009.5-2013
 Digital Signage Magazine  NewBay Media, LLC  2154-8005  2010.8-current
 Doklady Physics  MAIK Nauka  1562-6903  2000-current
 Earth Interactions  American Meteorological Society  1087-3562


 Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics

 Electronic Journal of

 Theoretical Physics

 1729-5254  2004.6-current
 Electronic-Liquid Crystal Communications  Liquid Crystal Institute  1942-0013  2007.4-2013
 Energy & Environmetnal Science

 Royal Society of




 Energy Strategy Reviews  Elsevier  2211-467X  2012-current

 Molecular Diversity

 Preservation International



 EPL (Europhysics Letters)  IOP  1286-4854  1986-current
 European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids  Elsevier Masson  0997-7538  1998-current
 European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids  Elsevier Masson  0997-7546  1998-current
 European Journal of Physics  IOP  1361-6404  1980-current
 Exergy, An International Journal  Elsevier Masson  1164-0235  2001-2013
 Few-Body Systems  Springer Wien  1432-5411  1986-2013
 Fluid Dynamics  MAIK Nauka  1573-8507  1966-2013
 Foundations of Physics  Springer US  1572-9516  1970-2013
 General Relativity and Gravitation  Springer US  1572-9532  1970-2013
 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy  MAIK Nauka  1555-645X  2006-2013
 Gyroscopy and Navigation  MAIK Nauka  2075-1109  2010-2013
 Heat and Mass Transfer

 Springer Berlin


 1432-1181  1968-2013
 Heat Recovery Systems and CHP  Pergamon  0890-4332  1987-2013
 High Energy Density Physics  Elsevier  1574-1818  2005-2013
 High Temperature  MAIK Nauka  1608-3156  2000-2013
 Hyperfine Interactions  Springer Netherlands  1572-9540  1975-2013