물리 e-journal

물리 전자저널 I

SNU_phya 2014. 2. 18. 17:25

물리 전자저널 I

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 Indian Journal of Physics  Springer India  0974-9845  2009-2013
 Industrial Metrology  Elsevier  0921-5956  1990-2013
 Infrared Physics  Pergamon  0020-0891  1961-2013
 Infrared Physics & Technology  Pergamon  1350-4495  1994-2013
 International Journal of Aeroacoustics  Multi Science Publ Co Ltd    2002-2013

 International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics &


 IOS Press  1875-8800  1998-2013

 International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary

 Fluid Sciences

 Multi Science Publ Co Ltd    2009-2013
 International Journal of Fluid Power  TuTech Innovation GmbH  1439-9776  2011.5-current
 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow  Elsevier  0142-727X  1979-2013
 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  Pergamon  0017-9310  1960-2013
 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  Elsevier  1387-3806  1998-2013

 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry &

 Ion Physics

 Elsevier  0020-7381  1968-2013

 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry &

 Ion Processes

 Elsevier  0168-1176  1983-2013
 International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport  Multi Science Publ Co Ltd    2010-2013
 International Journal of Modern Physics A  World Scientific  1793-656X  1986-2013
 International Journal of Modern Physics C  World Scientific  1793-6586


 International Journal of Modern Physics D  World Scientific  1793-6594


 International Journal of Modern Physics E  World Scientific  1793-6608  1992-2013

 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat

 & Fluid Flow

 Emerald Group Publishing


 International Journal of PIXE  World Scientific  1793-6616  1990-2013
 International Journal of Pure & Applied Physics

 Research India


 0973-1776  2007.5-current
 International Journal of Quantum Information  World Scientific  1793-6918


 International Journal of Self-Propagating

 High-Temperature Synthesis

 Allerton Press  1934-788X  2007-2013
 International Journal of Solids and Structures  Pergamon  0020-7683  1965-2013
 International Journal of Stability & Fluid Mechanics  Association for Advancement in Combinatorial Sciences  0975-8399  2010.7-current
 International Journal of Theoretical Physics  Springer US  1572-9575  1968-2013
 International Journal of Thermal Sciences  Elsevier Masson  1290-0729  1999-2013
 International Journal of Thermophysics  Springer US  1572-9567  1980-2013
 International Review of Physics  Praise Worthy Prize S.r.L.  1971-680X  2007.12-current
 Inverse Problems  Institute of Physics  1361-6420  1985-2013
 Ionics  Springer Berlin Heidelberg  1862-0760  1995-2013
 Iranian Journal of Physics Research

 Iranian Journal of

 Physics Research

 1682-6957  2011.5-current