희망도서 신청/신청현황목록

2016년 12월 23일까지 주문 현황

SNU_phya 2017. 1. 9. 14:29

1. Introduction to Quantum-State Estimation

2. Matrix Groups for Undergraduates

3. Modern Particle Physics

4. Neutrino Oscillations: A Practical Guide to Basics and Applications

5. Experimental Studies of Neutrino Oscillations

6. The Physics of Neutrinos

7. Neutrino Physics, Second Edition

8. The Perfect Wave: With Neutrinos at the Boundary of Space and Time

9. Massive Neutrinos: Flavor Mixing of Leptons and Neutrino Oscillations

10. Neutrinos: Properties, Sources, & Detection (Physics Research and Technology)

11. Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics: Practical Essentials


※ Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology 품절로 구입 불가능


주문 : 2017. 01. 06   입고 : 2017.02.08